Monday, 26 September 2022

Get what you want

 Be passionate about what you want,not just wish it,want it badly. You are worthy of it. Most people don't think they are worthy of the things they want in life.  Think you are worthy of every dream you ever had otherwise you will not make enough efforts to achieve it. First realize that is exactly what you want. Write down your goals daily.  And then get up and push yourself.  Believe yours self that you can achieve it. Wake up every morning and write it down and say it out loud to immerse it deep within your subconscious.  Believe that you can achieve it and you will. 

I don't know what kind of negativity and self doubt are imposed on us throughout our childhood that no amount of talent and capabilities are enough to get rid of that lack of self belief and self confidence.  We have to try so much harder for things that should come naturally.  When we first start to walk all we hear is encouragement from everyone. No one tells us that we can't do it. And everytime we fall we get up with the same enthusiasm. I wish we could have maintained it throughout our lives. But we can change it. We can do it now. No matter what age are you you can bring the same positivity in your life, same hope and same dreams and then negativity will not able to touch you.

Bit till then you have to try harder everyday to believe yourself.  You have to encourage yourself until it comes so naturally that it wouldn't drain your energy.  You can get your spirit back,that light which used to burn so brightly. 

We have to do something for the next generation so that that spirit is never get lost. What happened in the past, we can not change it. What we can really do is , not dwell on it and focus on how to push ourselves up. Work on it everyday and you'll be able to reach it otherwise we will still be here and what i want to do is move forward. 

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